'Tis Only My Opinion!

June 2016 - Volume 36, Number 6

Globalists vs. Sovereignty

For almost a century there has been a movement to eliminate and/or consolidate the borders that resulted following the wars of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century.

Following the conclusion of the first world war in 1918 the League of Nations was formed in the hope that conflicts between nations could be solved by debate. While the League of Nations had some success during the 1920's, it failed in its primary mission "to prevent another world war." Many believe that the refusal of the United States to join the organization was partly to blame for its failure.

Of course, it took less than two decades for the lofty ideals which the League of Nations professed to dissolve in the 1930s with the rise of the military in Germany, Italy and Japan.

World War II

The United States, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union bore the brunt of the fighting during World War II against Germany, Italy and Japan. During that period of time many of the leaders of countries throughout the world began to think of ways in which the failure of the League of Nations to prevent war might be solved.

As World War II was coming to a close the framework for the United Nations was drawn out and presented to the major participants in World War II.

The United Nations

Today the United States is the largest contributor to the United Nations budget. Over the last sixty years, the influence of the United States at the United Nations has waned.

The United Nations has authorized 63 peacekeeping missions as of February 2009. These do not include interventions authorized by the UN like the Korean War and the Gulf War. The 1990s saw the most UN peacekeeping operations to date.

Since the United Nations action in the Korean conflict where South Korea and the United States bore the brunt of the fighting against first the North Koreans and later the Chinese, the basic rule of Genghis Khan's scorched earth warfare began to come unraveled. The rules of engagement began to worry about collateral damage.  Hence, a basic stalemate brought about the truce between North and South Korea which still remains in effect.

As a result, the effectiveness of the United Nations as a peace-keeping organization has been largely ineffective as many of its commanders and troops have major communication problems. Moreover, a lack of discipline within the peace-keeping forces has led to corruption and outright lawlessness in many of the peace keeping efforts.

However the old rule that he who holds the gold makes the rules certainly does not apply to the madness found in many of the so-called peacekeeping and humanitarian efforts of the United Nations. According to OMB, FY 2010 marked the third consecutive year in which U.S. contributions reached record highs. In FY 2010, they exceeded $7.691 billion — more than $1.3 billion higher than FY 2009’s record of $6.347 billion. In effect, the U.S. provides over 20% of the United Nations funding.

There have been many examples of corruption, mismanagement and outright theft in many of the U.N.'s programs. Unfortunately, the so-called "wealthy nations" get the bill while many of the nations that pay almost nothing towards the cost of the U.N. also get a vote ... just like the U.S. does. Is it any wonder that Alice would find herself at home at the U.N?

Ever since the stalemate of the Korean conflict the ineffectiveness of the UN to provide only a stopgap solution should be apparent to any observer.

Leveling the Playing Field

Much of the effort of the politicians in the United Nations is to transfer wealth from prosperous nations to poor nations.  This effort takes many forms and is hardly acknowledged. Still the end result of many United Nations proposals is simply that ... transfer wealth.

This is true whether we are talking the environment, global warming, immigration and demographics. As the number of nations has grown and become members of the United Nations, a shift is also occurring between the Christian/Judeo countries and Islam.


Einstein was right about the definition of insanity:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

It is past time for the United States to make a complete break with the free-loaders at the United Nations and begin to set policy based upon what is best for the citizens of the U.S.

A nation that does not respect its own borders and allows others to confiscate its territory and wealth is not a nation ... but a colony.  Sovereignty has led to a more prosperous nation than that which globalists promise.

But then - 'Tis Only My Opinion!

Fred Richards
June 1, 2016


Corruptisima republica plurimae leges. [The more corrupt a republic, the more laws.] -- Tacitus, Annals III 27

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